Pipedrive to HubSpot Migration: A Success Story

Pipedrive to HubSpot Migration: A Success Story

At Loncom Consulting, we recently helped a client migrate from Pipedrive to HubSpot, seamlessly transferring all critical data, including Contacts, Companies, Deals, Activities (Notes, Calls, Emails, Tasks), and Tickets. By leveraging the APIs from both platforms and utilizing Node.js for coding, we ensured a smooth migration with zero data loss.

Migration Process

1. Data Collection & Preparation

We began by extracting data from Pipedrive using its API. All relevant records were collected, including contact information, deal stages, activities, and historical data. Data integrity was a top priority, so we performed an initial audit to ensure all data was clean and ready for migration.

2. Deduplication and Data Validation

Before migration, we ensured all data was deduplicated and validated. Lesson learned: never assume data is already clean - always validate for accuracy and consistency! This step is critical in maintaining data quality throughout the migration.

3. Migration Development

Using Node.js, we coded the migration process, allowing data to flow seamlessly between the two CRMs. Pipedrive's API provided the raw data, while HubSpot's API accepted the formatted inputs. This ensured all records were properly transferred, including relationships between contacts, companies, deals, and activities.

4. Testing and QA

We performed a test migration to a sandbox environment, allowing us to identify and resolve any issues before executing the final migration. After ensuring all the data was correct and in place, we moved forward with the full migration.

Data Migration from Pipedrive to HubSpot

5. Final Migration

Once the test was successful, we executed the live migration. Contacts, companies, deals, and activities were carefully mapped to the correct fields in HubSpot, preserving data integrity and ensuring the client could hit the ground running with their new CRM.

6. Post-Migration Validation

After migration, we ran validation checks to confirm that no data was lost, and all records were correctly mapped. This included checking links between contacts and companies, verifying activity logs, and ensuring ticket records were intact.


  • Seamless migration: The migration was completed with no data loss, and all records were successfully transferred.
  • Data integrity: By validating and deduplicating data, we ensured that the client now has clean, reliable data in HubSpot.
  • More comprehensive system: The client now enjoys a full suite of CRM tools within HubSpot, enhancing their sales and customer management capabilities.

Migrating from Pipedrive to HubSpot can be a complex process, but with the right tools and expertise, it can be done seamlessly. At Loncom Consulting, we ensure data integrity, validate all records, and provide a smooth transition to help businesses take full advantage of HubSpot’s capabilities.

Looking to migrate to HubSpot? Contact us at Loncom Consulting for expert data migration solutions!

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