Solution of the Week: Seamless Migration from to HubSpot

Solution of the Week: Seamless Migration from to HubSpot

At Loncom Consulting, we are committed to delivering tailored business solutions, and this week, we successfully migrated a client from CRM to HubSpot. HubSpot offered the client a more robust platform, perfectly suited to their expanding needs. This migration involved transferring all contact, company, and deal data with zero data loss.

The Migration Process

1. Understanding Client Requirements

Our migration process begins with a deep understanding of the client's goals. In this case, the client required a platform that could better manage their growing customer relationships and marketing efforts. HubSpot was the ideal fit due to its comprehensive CRM, marketing automation, and reporting capabilities.

2. Mapping and Linking Data

One of the key challenges in this migration was mapping IDs between and HubSpot to ensure that all objects (contacts, companies, and deals) were properly linked in the new system. Misaligned data can lead to fragmented records, but by using custom mapping techniques, we ensured a seamless connection.

3. Migrating in Sequence: Companies, Contacts, and Deals

We follow a strict order in migrations:

  1. Companies: Migrating company data first ensures that all organizational information is in place for contacts and deals to be properly linked.
  2. Contacts: Next, we move contact data, ensuring that all important details like names, emails, and phone numbers are validated and properly mapped.
  3. Deals: Lastly, we migrate deal data, ensuring that each deal is tied to the correct contact and company, preserving the client's sales pipeline. to HubSpot Migration

4. Data Cleaning and Standardization

Before migrating, all data is thoroughly cleaned and formatted to fit HubSpot’s system. We ensured that special fields like emails and phone numbers were validated and standardized to prevent any errors in the new system. Ensuring clean data is critical for HubSpot’s reporting and marketing automation to function correctly.

5. Test Migration

Before the final migration, we ran a test migration to identify any potential issues. This process ensures that data flows smoothly from into HubSpot and helps us resolve any mapping discrepancies or formatting challenges.

6. Data Validation and Dashboard Setup

Once the test migration was complete, we validated the data by creating detailed reports and dashboards in HubSpot. This provided both us and the client with a clear view of the migrated data, ensuring all information was accurate and in the correct place.

7. Final Migration and Go-Live

After thorough validation, we proceeded with the final migration. The client’s live data was seamlessly transferred to HubSpot. The client experienced no downtime or disruptions during the process.

Why Choose Loncom Consulting for Data Migration?

Data migration is a delicate process that requires careful planning, precision, and validation to ensure no data is lost or corrupted. At Loncom Consulting, we have extensive experience with CRM migrations, and our two-step approach - test migration followed by final migration - ensures thorough quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC).

Contact Us for Your Next Migration

If your business is facing a CRM migration challenge, we’re here to help. Contact us today to discuss how we can ensure a smooth, efficient migration tailored to your needs.


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